Educate & Equip
God’s Explorers is a ministry group for our youngest disciples and their families. Through the year, Explorers will discover God’s stories, create faithful friendships, and venture forth into God’s creation.
Kirk Club (Kirk is a common Presbyterian word, coming from Scottish roots, meaning “Church”) is a group for 3rd-5th graders at the church.
Children’s worship is available for ages 4 through 2nd grade. Kids start in the Sanctuary with their families and then join children’s worship, where they explore faith through Godly play, interactive stories, and independent wonder.
Children are welcome to stay in the Sanctuary, where tables on the right side offer coloring materials, modeling dough, and quiet toys.
Oak Ridge Presbyterian has a vibrant youth ministry that seeks to foster fellowship and discipleship among our young people. We are a community where youth can encounter Christ and grow in their faith, accompanied by a community that accepts them for who they are. Any youth – sixth to twelfth grade – is welcome to join us for weekly youth groups during the school year, overnight retreats during the summer, and special events throughout the summer.
Check out our Middle School and High School youth group schedule here.
Interested in any of the trips this summer?
Oak Ridge Presbyterian has a vibrant youth ministry that seeks to foster fellowship and discipleship among our young people.
There are intergenerational opportunities such as small groups, book studies with our Pastor, and pop-up opportunities.
ORPC’s women's circle is called, “The Women of Wisdom Circle” (AKA: The Wows). WOW meets at 10am on the third Tuesday of each month in the Fellowship House. Different members bring a light snack, and there is a time for gathering and visiting 30 minutes prior to starting the meeting. During meetings, you can expect a time to share joys and concerns with each other and have prayer. Several women take turns presenting the Bible Study and leading the discussion. If Pastor Marti is able to join us, she serves Communion for WOW to partake together. This part of WOW’s ministry was started when the group included several members who needed to stay in their home, and it became such an important part of our gathering that WOW has continued it. Afterward, there is usually a brief business-update. WOW gathers all year to provide flexibility for those who cannot attend every month. Twice annually, WOW conducts strictly business meetings (except for joys and concerns), for which times they use to make final Craft Extravaganza plans and to allocate mission monies.
March 19, 26, April 2
6-7 PM
All ORPC Men are invited to participate in our ministry events. Occurring throughout the year, ORPC men meet for conversation around the firepit, study around the table and fellowship on the golf course or basketball court.
2614 Oak Ridge Road
Oak Ridge, NC 27310
(336) 643-3452
ORPC hosts a weekly meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. It meets on our campus on Wednesdays from 7:30pm-8:30pm. Open meetings are available for anyone to attend; masks are no longer required, but there is plenty of coffee to be shared. You can find out more information through NC District 23 at:
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