Children's Special Events
Family-Wide Events
KidsMin Events
Souper Bowl of Caring
February 11
The SOUPer Bowl of Caring is a community-wide effort to support hunger ministries in the Greensboro area every Super Bowl Sunday. At ORPC, that means SOUP bowls! After worship and the annual congregational meeting on Super Bowl Sunday (February 11th), there is a soup potluck, bake sale, and silent auction of the youth-made soup bowls with all proceeds going toward a local hunger ministry!
Lenten Small Groups
2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10
ORPC will engage in a limited-time four-week small group ministry over the first four Sundays of Lent! For four Sundays in Lent (2/18, 2/25, 3/3, 3/10), small groups will gather around the church campus for an hour after worship (11:15 am-12:15 pm). Each small group has an awesome topical theme based around deepening faith and ways to engage in scripture, so you can find a way to connect no matter your interests! All of KidsMin will learn about the words to the Lord’s Prayer. KidsMin will spend some time combined but break into small groups of PreK-2nd grade and Kirk Club (3rd-5th grade) for other parts! Click here to see class offerings and to sign up.
Lenten Soup and Sound
February 21, 28, March 6, 13, 20
Each Wednesday during Lent, join us in the Sanctuary for a shared meal of soup (all soup provided free of charge!) and wonderful musical offerings from leading musicians from around the Triad & the state! This ministry space will be open every Wednesday from 6-7pm and guides us toward Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross and resurrection on Easter. Click here to learn more.
Chili Cook-Off
March 17
The chili cook off is a congregation-wide chili, wings, and mac & cheese competition hosted by the youth! Competition is FIERCE with over 50 entries last year. There are prizes in three categories (chili, wings, and mac & cheese) for best overall, most unique, and spiciest/creamiest. This year, the chili cook off is on St. Patty’s day, so we’ll also have a prize for green-eggs-and-hammiest! There are often fun little activities for kids, too. All proceeds go to support summer ministry and fund youth scholarships.
Barn Dance
April 14
Montreat is a famous Presbyterian gathering spot located in the mountains of North Carolina. One of the things they are most famous for? Their barn dances. Beth Gunn is the Presby-famous leader of Montreat’s barn dances and she is coming to ORPC! All ages (kids, youth, and adults) are invited for a night of laughter, movement, and fun! Beth will call Big Circle Mountain Dances with folk music to boot!
Children’s Choir
Leads in Worship: 5/12 || Rehearsal after worship: 4/14, 4/28, 5/5
Our children’s choir will help lead in worship toward the end of the spring. Rehearsal happens after church in the Sanctuary during the weeks leading up to Sunday leading worship. The choir is led by our Director of Music, Mary, and is open to children of all ages and abilities. No experience required! There is often also opportunity to use instruments, such as chimes, drum, or rhythm instruments or dance in ORPC’s liturgical dance group led by Kristin Skordahl, too! Click here to learn more about music for young people at ORPC.