Worship with Us

Here, you can find information about our Sunday morning offerings, access our online viewing options, explore opportunities to engage with music at ORPC, and prepare for special services.

We gather to praise God, to thank God for all we have been given and learn to share God’s love with everyone.

planning to visit?

A typical Sunday morning worship service consists of liturgy, prayer, music, scripture, and reflection.

Each Sunday at 10 am

Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month.

There are additional services on Christmas Eve and Easter.

As an intergenerational church, you will find people dressed in both casual and formal clothes. The culture of ORPC is as varied as its members, which is something we value.

A nursery is available each Sunday for small children. Children are also invited to stay in the sanctuary at our worship tables, which provides playdough, coloring pages and fidget toys. September – May children ages 4 through 2nd grade may attend Children’s Worship.

Yes, all are welcome at Christ’s table.


children's choir

Grades PreK - 2nd. The Children’s Choir sings throughout the year for special services. Our young musicians build skills and friendships through creative movement, singing, rhythm instruments and chimes, and of course, play!

The Children’s Choir rehearses after church on select Sundays leading up to special services where we will sing during worship.

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chancel choir

The Chancel Choir sings weekly and participates in special services throughout the year. We enjoy learning and sharing an eclectic mix of music ranging from past to present, from folk to contemporary.
The Chancel Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 7:00pm.

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bell choir

The Bell Choir rings regularly throughout the year and for special services. Building upon basic music reading skills, the Bell Choir enjoys a wide repertoire that includes a variety of ringing techniques.
The Bell Choir rehearses on Thursday evenings at 6:00pm.

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oak ridge men

The Oak Ridge Men ensemble provides monthly music leadership in worship services and shares music ministry throughout our community. We praise God through singing repertoire ranging from a capella to Southern Gospel.

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oak ridge winds

The Oak Ridge Winds is an instrumental ensemble composed of wind band musicians from our congregation and surrounding community. Members of this ensemble, ranging from middle school musicians to seasoned professionals, play throughout the year for special services in solo, chamber, or full ensemble settings. Oak Ridge Winds rehearse on select evenings leading up to scheduled appearances.

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liturgical dance

“And David danced before the Lord with all his might…” (2 Samuel 6:14.) Liturgical dance is a beautiful artform to communicate praise and honor. Through creative movement and choreography, dancers worship, express emotions, and tell stories. Dance ensembles practice after church on select Sundays leading up to special services where we will dance during worship.

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Meet the Oak Ridge Presbyterian Church Music Leaders!

All are welcome to join our music ensembles!

Mary Boudreault

Director of Music

Shannon Blankenship

Worship Pianist

special services

Church should be a space that is full of celebrations from the very beginning of our life to the very end, and be with us every step of the way.

Whether you are looking for details about baptisms, weddings, and funerals, you can find information about these services here. PC (USA) recognizes two sacraments, which are both often celebrated in worship: baptism and communion.

Finally, there are special celebrations built into the church calendar every year, such as during Advent or Lent.


Communion is one of two sacraments recognized by Reformed Christians.

At ORPC, communion is celebrated using bread and grape juice as symbols for Jesus’ last supper. All are welcome to partake in The Lord’s Supper – regardless of age, membership, or baptismal status. Usually, ORPC uses Intinction to celebrate communion, wherein individuals take a piece of bread, dips it in the grape juice, and can immediately partake. A gluten-free station is always available. We want all to feel welcomed and included at the table God has set before us.

Baptisms at ORPC

Baptism is God's gracious gift given by Jesus Christ. We believe baptism should be available to all persons in the church, so an individual may be baptized at any age. We baptize babies because we believe children are included in God's covenant of grace. Traditionally, those baptized as infants are "confirmed" in their faith as a young person. If you have questions, contact Pastor Marti Reed Hazelrigg.

If you have questions or interest in ORPC’s baptismal process, contact Pastor Marti Reed Hazelrigg.