About Us
We are part of the Presbyterian Church USA. Not all of us grew up in the church. Some of us came from other denominations, some grew up Presbyterian and some of us are new to faith. We believe God calls us all to follow Jesus. Faith is hard. We believe we need each other as we follow Jesus Christ.
At Oak Ridge Presbyterian Church We:
Are Family
God has called us by name so we in turn offer a warm welcome to everyone who comes to ORPC.
Glorify God with Worship and Music
We give God glory in all we do. We experience God in worship and especially in music.
Embrace Children and Youth
We encourage and equip our young people to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ and to know God's love.
Care Deeply For Our Community
Jesus cared for the broken and the desperate. We are therefore called to support each other and extend that care to our community.
Serve Others
We love and serve others because Jesus loved us first. We show love through acts of service.
Have Hope
We believe in the power of God to change lives.
About Us
Welcome to Oak Ridge Presbyterian Church! Here, you can expect friendly and authentic people, engaging and relevant music and worship, compelling preaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to encounter God. You can expect to find a place where creativity and fellowship come together to worship God in new and exciting ways. You can expect to be encouraged, challenged, convicted, excited and, most importantly, welcomed. Here, there is a place for everyone.
Our Sunday morning worship service at 10am is a blend of different styles with a casual feel, welcoming people of all ages. Kids are absolutely encouraged to worship with us! Our commitment to ministry extends beyond the four walls of the church to Oak Ridge and surrounding communities and to places even further away. We walk together in faith, supporting one another and having fun along the way!
Oak Ridge Presbyterian Church serves members and visitors from Oak Ridge, Stokesdale, Summerfield, and the greater Greensboro area. We are part of the Presbyterian Church USA, which has more than 2.5 million members and roots that date back to the 16th century. We are a member of The Synod of the Mid-Atlantic (which encompasses North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Washington DC) and Salem Presbytery in Central North Carolina, which gives us the ability to access—and to contribute to—best practices for being the church in the world today.
What We Believe
On December 4, 1994, with around one hundred members, Oak Ridge Presbyterian Church was officially chartered by the Salem Presbytery. Just three years later, the church broke ground and dedicated their brand new building, in which worship still happens today. And while we encourage every member of our community to discern for themselves their beliefs and relationships with God and God’s theology, we also know it can be helpful to have some idea of what corporate beliefs PC(USA) churches hold:
Sovereignty of God – God is the supreme authority throughout the universe.
Authority of Scripture – The Bible is the foundation of worship and our understanding of God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) and God’s purpose for us.
Justification by Grace through Faith – Our “salvation” is a generous gift from God through Jesus and not a result of any actions of our own
The Priesthood of All Believers – The Holy Spirit moves and encourages us to follow Christ and be the body of Christ in the world. We are governed by a partnership between ministers and lay leaders, men and women.
Presbyterians ascribe to two Sacraments: baptism and the Lord’s Supper (communion). Presbyterians recognize infant baptism and do not require new members to be “re-baptized” if they come from other denominations. Communion can be taken by anyone and, at ORPC, is taken once a month (plus on church holidays). Presbyterians believe in God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
If you’re interested in reading more about Presbyterian history, our theology, the church’s stance on social issues, and/or what makes us unique, you can do so here.