Special Services
Church should be a space that is full of celebrations from the very beginning of our life to the very end, and be with us every step of the way. Whether you are looking for details about baptisms, weddings, and funerals, you can find information about these services here. PC(USA) recognizes two sacraments, which are both often celebrated in worship: baptism and communion. Finally, there are special celebrations built into the church calendar every year, such as during Advent or Lent.
Upcoming Special Services at ORPC
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 14
7 PM
Palm Sunday
Sunday, March 24
10 AM
Easter Worship Services
Sunrise Service: Sunday, March 31 at 7 AM
Easter Worship Service: Sunday, March 31 at 10 AM
The Lord's Supper (Communion)
First Sundays of every
month during worship
Communion is one of two sacraments recognized by Reformed Christians. Communion signals to us God’s grace for humanity through the creation of The New Covenant, which was made through the life and death of Jesus Christ. We pray for the intercession of the Holy Spirit as we celebrate the gift of the Lord’s Supper with Christians around the world.
At ORPC, communion is celebrated using bread and grape juice as symbols for Jesus’ last supper. All are welcome to partake in The Lord’s Supper – regardless of age, membership, or baptismal status. Usually, ORPC uses Intinction to celebrate communion, wherein individuals take a piece of bread, dips it in the grape juice, and can immediately partake. Occasionally, we will use individually-packaged grape juice cups if there are health concerns. A gluten-free station is always available, and we are happy to accommodate any dietary restrictions once made aware! We want all to feel welcomed and included at the table God has set before us.
Baptisms at ORPC
Baptisms, the second sacrament we recognize, signs of God’s graceful covenant made to us through the life of Jesus. Baptisms are affirmations that we are God’s children, and we are called to live as disciples of Christ. PC(USA) recognizes both infant-baptism and the baptism-of-believers, so an individual may be baptized at any age. We believe it is God who acts in the sacrament of baptism, so you would not need to be “re-baptized” if seeking to join the church.
Baptism is a public celebration, so it is an important part of our worship services. It is celebrated using sprinkling water on the head (not through full-body immersion). No matter your age or the age of your child, we would love to be a part of your baptism journey. If you have questions or interest in ORPC’s baptismal process, contact Pastor Marti Reed Hazelrigg.
Transitional Services
Weddings represent a unique commitment between two people wishing to be joined in union. Weddings are not just for civil or legal purposes, when wed in the Reformed Church, God also serves an active role, with your faith community serving as witnesses. ORPC has a beautiful Sanctuary with flexible seating arrangements, commercial kitchen, and expansive outdoor property. If you have interest in hosting your wedding at Oak Ridge Presbyterian Church, reach out to Pastor Marti Reed Hazelrigg.
A funeral at Oak Ridge is worship of the living God and witness to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The funeral is God’s way of bringing comfort to the hearts of those who mourn as Scripture is read and preached, prayer is offered, praises are sung, grief is expressed, remembrance is cherished, and faith affirmed. The presence of family and friends around at this time supports and strengthens those who grieve. The funeral gives thanks for the life of the one who has passed away and thanks to the God who holds our beloved in God’s everlasting arms. If you have questions or wish to make funeral plans, please contact Pastor Marti Reed Hazelrigg.